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Holbrook Helpers


HOLBROOK HELPERS HAS A NEW CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER!  If you need help, ring one of our lovely coordinators on 0333 335 5387 (calls will be charged at local rate) and they will arrange for one of our volunteers to assist.  We now also have an email address, which is:  holbrookhelpers@yahoo.com

Holbrook Helpers has now been in operation since the start of Lockdown and by the end of 2020, had helped over 1000 people.  This is in addition to the many acts of kindness shown by members of the community and volunteers.

On Monday 27 July 2020 the new committee of Holbrook Helpers convened, via Zoom, to start the process of securing the future of Holbrook Helpers, which has proved to be a very valuable source of support within the village.  Holbrook Helpers has subsequently become part of the Good Neighbour Scheme.  The committee are extremely grateful to the all the coordinators and volunteers who have continued to offer their help throughout the last 2 years.  Holbrook Helpers would not be able to exist without them! 

Whilst the committee has formed, and we have a list of over 60 volunteers, the committee would be delighted to hear from you if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or feel you can help the committee in any other way.  You can contact Kate Saulter on: 07900 086091 or by email on holbrookhelpers@yahoo.com

EXCITING NEWS!  Holbrook Helpers has now amalgamated with the Harkstead and Lower Holbrook Good Neighbour Scheme.  All preliminary preparations went according to plan and the we are now up and running as one Good Neighbour Scheme.  The name is still Holbrook Helpers and the phone number is the same  (charged at local rate):  0333 335 5387.  We are also extending our offer of help to giving lifts to people to attend medical appointments, etc. so do contact one of our coordinators if you need help getting to an appointment.