Holbrook Helpers Money Handling Policy
Our duty
•The money and property of service users will be protected at all times whilst the service user is receiving support from any person representing Holbrook Helpers. We aim to prevent issues arising from money handling and will identify risks and plan ahead.
The Summary
•This summary provides a basic outline of the Money Handling Policy and procedure to accompany the more detailed guidance which is attached.
Code of Conduct
•Holbrook Helpers Volunteers should not become involved with the financial affairs of the service. Involvement with service users should not go beyond assistance with simple monetary transactions, e.g. shopping or carrying out other simple errands.
What we will do
•If Holbrook Helpers is asked to support people who are unable to manage their own financial affairs, we will ensure that this is recorded on their file as a risk and appropriate good practice is agreed with the service user, family/carers/representatives, Holbrook Helpers committee and where appropriate Suffolk Social Services.
What you will do
•General Donations – Should be received and a receipt given whenever possible. Money/cheques should be brought to the treasurer, documented and banked. When a donation is made for a particular service area (e.g. travel expenses) this will be documented appropriately. All donations (other than travel expenses) will be followed up with a “thank you letter” where appropriate.
What to do
•If a volunteer has any concern regarding the safety and security of an older person’s financial affairs the volunteer must report the matter to the Safeguarding lead or the deputy safeguarding lead in her absence.
•Safeguarding Lead: Reverend Jenny Seggar Tel: 07733195866, rector2rivers@outlook.com; Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Clare Fisk Tel 07856 721383, email: clare.fisk@suffolk.gov.uk
Payment of service user bills
Volunteers may on rare occasions be required to help with the process of service users pay bills. Any money handling issues must be brought to the attention of the committee and documented appropriately.
Shopping and Collection of Pensions
Volunteers who undertake shopping for a service user or escorts a service user shopping must document the handling of money clearly, ensure receipts for goods purchased are provided for the service user. Any handling of service user money must be reported to the committee. It is most important to report any accusation or disagreement over shopping money/change or goods immediately.
When shopping only the loyalty card belonging to the service user may be used when purchasing goods for the service user.
On the rare occasions that a volunteer assists an older person with their pension collection, either on their behalf or with them present, this must be cleared/reported to the coordinator or committee. Wherever possible the older person themselves should enter the pin number for the transaction.
This policy is linked to, and should be read in conjunction with, Holbrook Helpers’ Safety Guidance
Safeguarding the property of service users whilst undertaking work with them and reporting loss or damage to property whilst providing a service.
Volunteers must respect service user’s property at all times. In the event of an accident or damage to a service user’s property this should be reported to the coordinator immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. If an accident has taken place an accident report must be filled in
Gifts and Bequests
High standards of financial probity are essential in order to maintain a trusting relationship between the people who use our services and the volunteers who provide the services.
Volunteers must not influence service users to give to them financial inducements, requests or gifts.
Volunteers should tactfully refuse any personal gift offered to them by a service user. As an exception to this general rule, staff and volunteers may accept small tokens of friendship and gratitude, e.g. box of chocolates, cake, flowers, handmade article.
Only help with simple monetary transactions
Get involved with financial affairs
Record on file if you are supporting someone that cannot manage their own financial affairs
Ignore tricky situations relating to finances as this will but volunteers at risk of allegation
Receipt all general donations
Influence service users so that they give you financial information or gifts
Report to the duty phone handler if you assist with pension collection
Use your own loyalty card when purchasing items for a service user
Useful Information
Online or Telephone banking
Can your service user manage online or telephone banking? Maybe they can be encouraged to use their bank’s online or telephone banking service. They can then pay bills and transfer. Online banking could really help with their independence.
3rd party Mandate
Some banks will arrange a 3rd party mandate. This is where somebody else can withdraw money over the counter for an individual. You will have to follow the banks procedure, which will probably require a form to be completed and identification. Ideally a family or a close friend of the client.
Carers Shopping Card
The Carers Shopping Card is a secure way for carers to access smaller amounts of money that they will need to undertake shopping and other purchases for the person they are caring for. Please see www.moneycarer.org.uk/services/carers-shopping-card for more information on this.
Lasting Power of Attorney
LPA gives an attorney the power to make decisions about money and property, for example: managing a bank or building society account, paying bills, collecting benefits or a pension, selling a home. A volunteer should not be a LPA for a client.
Court of Protection
This option would be considered if your client can’t make decisions for themselves and lacked mental capacity. You should be referring the service user to Customer First (social services) if this option was required. A Court of Protection means that HM courts and tribunals make decisions on financial or welfare matters for people.
Citizens Advice Bureau https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
Customer First (Suffolk Social Services) Telephone: 0808 800 4005
Money Advice Service
Elder Abuse
Money Carer
Age UK Suffolk 01473 351234
Agreed 02/09/20