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Holbrook Primary School PSA needs a Treasurer

17 June 2024


Are you good with numbers? Could you help your local school PSA keep basic finance records? 

Read more on Holbrook Primary School PSA needs a Treasurer

Have your say about the future of your Community

30 May 2024

Sign up for The Strategy Room in The Bull, Brantham on 13th June and get paid to have your say on how to achieve a better future for our local community. Work with others to discuss different options for the future, whilst learning about new technologies, smarter ways of living and how we could be happier in the future. You don't need any special skills to take part, plus you'll be thanked with a £20 One4All voucher for your time. Interested? Sign up at Eventbrite by searching 'The Strategy Room' or using the link: https://thestrategyroomthebull.eventbrite.co.ukSign up for The Strategy Room in The Bull, Brantham on 13th June and get paid to have your say on how to achieve a better future for our local community. Work with others to discuss different options for the future, whilst learning about new technologies, smarter ways of living and how we could be happier in the future. You don't need any special skills to take part, plus you'll be thanked with a £20 One4All voucher for your time. Interested? Sign up at Eventbrite by searching 'The Strategy Room' or using the link: https://thestrategyroomthebull.eventbrite.co.uk

Read more on Have your say about the future of your Community

Free Compost

3 May 2024



 Grow, grow, grow! Compost giveaways taking place across the districts

Green-fingered residents across Babergh and Mid Suffolk can collect free compost from tomorrow as part of a drive to get people growing.

The district councils will once again be holding compost giveaways throughout May, helping to kickstart people's journeys toward living a greener life while experiencing the joys of growing your own plants.

Read more on Free Compost

Babergh District Council - parking charges press release

9 April 2024


             'Modest' parking charge proposals agreed, with further measures to limit impact


Babergh District Council cabinet has agreed to end subsidising free parking in Sudbury, Hadleigh and Lavenham by six votes to two – after it was warned the authority is "on the edge of an economic precipice".

Read more on Babergh District Council - parking charges press release

Food Waste Reduction Campaign

7 September 2022

Suffolk Waste Partnership news release:

For further information contact: Mark Langford

Tel: 01473 341446 Email: mark.langford@suffolk.gov.uk


Read more on Food Waste Reduction Campaign

Sudbury and District Citizens Advice Bureau

11 July 2022

The Citizens Advice Bureau can help to access government support and help with many issues and they have asked us to publish this link to their website:

Read more on Sudbury and District Citizens Advice Bureau

The Anne Robson Trust Helpline

3 August 2021

The New Anne Robson Trust Helpline


Read more on The Anne Robson Trust Helpline