Home > News > Holbrook Primary School PSA needs a Treasurer

Holbrook Primary School PSA needs a Treasurer

17 June 2024

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Are you good with numbers? Could you help your local school PSA keep basic finance records? 

Holbrook Primary School PSA are looking for a new Treasurer to work with our team of dedicated parent volunteers as we raise funds to support the pupils of Holbrook Primary School. 

This role would suit a parent, grandparent, retiree, or anyone keen to help the PSA continue in its fundraising. You don't need to be connected to the school and you wouldn't need to participate more widely in the PSA's work – we just need the finances looked after to be able to keep running! The current Treasurer will be able to give support and guidance in handing over. 

If you would like to find out more please send us a message at psaholbrook@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you!