The Hub of the Shotley Peninsula
The Street, Holbrook IP9 2QS
Telephone: 01473 328263
Check the website for the opening hours of the Surgery and the Dispensary.
There are two main Surgeries, in Holbrook and Shotley. Both surgeries have Dispensaries which will issue prescribed drugs to eligible patients (if you live within one mile of an independent Pharmacy we are not permitted to dispense to you).
Both surgeries are well equipped, purpose designed buildings and are conveniently situated in the centres of their villages on bus routes. Wheelchair access, disabled toilets and baby changing facilities are provided at both premises. In addition to the main surgeries, there is a surgery held at the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, for pupils only.
The Practice is a member of the Ipswich and East Suffolk Commissioning Group (CCG) which commissions and manages your health care services. The Governing Body of the CCG includes seven local GPs from across the Ipswich and East Suffolk area. Additionally the Governing Body includes a secondary care doctor from out of the area, a “patient and public involvement” lay person and an “audit and governance” lay person. For more information go to
We are happy to register as patients people who live on the Shotley Peninsula, as far west as main London - Norwich railway line.