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Planning Applications

The Parish  Council has the right to express its views on planning applications affecting its area to the planning authority. Babergh District Council invites comments on all applications and sends notification of planning  applications to the Parish Clerk. Applications are then discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

In  cases where the next meeting falls outside the 21 day response period and an extension cannot be agreed,  a special meeting will be called to discuss the application. Notice of this meeting will be displayed on the notice boards and the website.

All planning applications and documentation can be found on the Babergh District Council website. Members of the public are also able to view planning documents and make comments direct to BMSDC through their website and in writing. https://planning.baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk/online-applications/

 Details of current planning applications under consideration by the Parish Council can be found on the Meetings and Minutes page by clicking on the current Agenda and Minutes



Pre-application discussions.

There may be occasions where a developer wishes to speak to the Parish Council before a planning application is submitted. To ensure that the Parish Council avoids the perception that councillors have predetermined their position, a protocol has been adopted for dealing with developers in respect of pre-planning application developments.

For further information see our list of policies